club.xlsm is a score keeping spreadsheet for managing club results Description sent by Willi ( in November 2024: I originally developed this for TOR when they changed for year-end scores to an "average of 25 highest scores during the year" as to year-end prices and Club Sieger, which was difficult to handle manually or in a simple spreadsheet. That rule was then adopted by HAM. MTL last year also started to use it (but ignores the "25 highest game" column on the Results sheet). Also, as they only play one round a:"dummy" player is used who gets a score of 1 for the 2nd round as I found out my Workbook wouldn't work with just one round when setting it up for them. (Note, in the enclosed "starting" copy the Results sheet looks funny, but as soon as it is used the first time it will show the scores rather than names and #####. In HAM I incorporated the "Financial" section on the Results sheet (had the space there as fewer members than TOR at that time) which negated the need for a Financial statement at the yearend as members are getting exact details on a weekly basis with full details in the Information section for anything but weekly Abreizgeld and monthly Bank interest entries which are self-explanatory. If any club wishes to use it, I have no proprietary ambitions at age 90. They can contact me for assistance in setting it up. (only covers a full year's weekly games and only 50 players and needs to be reset for the following year (very simple as you can see in the "Version_Control" sheet)